A beautiful, bountiful basket of luminous white roses that feels so fresh, natural, and welcomed in a home or at a service.
Not at all somber are these abundant blooms of pink, yellow and lavender, gracefully arranged in a container that is equally suitable for a memorial service or one's home.
Soothing lavender, respectful purple and compassionate pinks are combined beautifully in this basket overflowing with pretty flowers, sincerity and sympathy. A lovely way to share your thoughts and pay tribute to someone special.
This glorious basket of beautiful blossoms will send hope and let those you care for know that grief is a path they needn't walk alone.
This generous basket is a gorgeous way to send caring thoughts. And hopes for brighter days ahead.
Whether you send this beautiful arrangement to the family home or to the service, all will appreciate its elegance and grace. The contrast of brilliant white blossoms and dazzling greenery create a wonderfully calm and dignified setting.